3D-FTP is the perfect solution for:
* Web site publishing
* Remote file editing
* Remote server backups
* Uploading images to auction sites such as eBay
* Downloading game demos and mp3 music files
* Downloading free programs and utilities
* Downloading log files
3D-FTP Features at a Glance
* Fast multithreaded transfers
* Background transfers
* Folder synchronization
* Bookmarks
* Recurring scheduling
* Custom commands with macros
* Autoresume and Autoreconnect
* Session and Transfer logging
* Remote editor
* Site Manager with Import
* Folder total size with Tree view
* Print directory listings
* Selectable Themes to customize looks
* Automatic compression with MODE Z
* Unlimited file size support for files over 4GB+
* Full Windows Vista™ support

Download SiteDesigner Technologies 3D FTP v8.0.3
from Home 3Dftp or Rapidshare